
Wall Community Library

 What's Happening at the Library?

Story Time is held on Friday mornings at 9:00am at the Library. Programs and activities are geared towards preschool and early school aged children. Please join us!


The Library Board of Trustees meets quarterly (January, April, July and October) on the third Wednesday of the month at 6:00pm in the Library. The public is welcome. 






 History of the Wall Community Library:

In 1936, the WPA built the "Stone Community Hut" as a Community Center. It has been used for the many things throughout the years. In 1986 the Wall Community Library moved into the "Hut". The Library has operated out of this location all these years and continues to serve the community far beyond the boundaries of the Town of Wall.


 Free wi-fi and public access to computers are available. Password: Wallcomlib


Library Links

Click here for our Facebook page:

Click here for our Website:


Click here to search the Wall Community Library online catalog or to use online services from any device connected to the internet. 

The South Dakota State Library Databases can be accessed at the Wall Community Library. Many databases can be accessed from home. 

Black Hills Digital Library is an online service for registered patrons to use their library card to check out e-books and downloadable audiobooks for their personal electronic devices including computers, iPads, Kindles, Nooks, Galaxies, iPods, phones, and other tablets.