Noise Permit

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9.04.070 Noise pollution


C. Special Permits.

   1. Permit Process.

       a. Applications for a special permit for relief from the noise restrictions in this chapter may be made in writing to the finance officer; and approved by the mayor and two council members.

       b. The permit application shall include the name, address and telephone number of the permit applicant; the date, hours and location for which the permit is requested; and the nature of the event or activity. If the proposed activity or event will involve entertainment, the city may also request the name and contact information for such individual(s). The application must be submitted at least ten (10) days in advance of the event, not including holidays and weekends.

      c. Payment of a fee of fifty dollars ($50.00).

      d. Any permit granted must be in writing and shall contain all conditions upon which the permit shall be effective.

      e. The finance officer may prescribe any reasonable conditions or requirements he/she deems necessary to minimize noise disturbances upon the community or the surrounding neighborhood, including use of mufflers, screens or other sound-attenuating devices.

      f. The permit shall be posted at the activity.

   2. Permits may be granted under the following conditions:

      a. The permit shall be limited to a single day unless an established time frame is approved by the city council and shall be so stated on the permit.

      b. Permits shall be effective only between the hours of six a.m. and one a.m.

      c. No permit shall be issued to any applicant or any activity convicted of a violation or if pending conviction of this chapter within the same calendar year.

   3. Upon receipt of a properly executed and signed application, the city of Wall shall issue a special noise permit to the applicant, which permit shall exempt the premises specified in the permit from the provisions of this chapter for the date specified in the permit, except that sound emitted from the premises shall in no way be plainly audible one thousand (1,000) feet from the property boundary.