Wall Rubble Site

There is dumping for yard waste items open all the time. (Please NO other dumping in this area)

For dumping other items you must call the Public Works Department at one of the following numbers:

(605) 279-2563-Public Works Office

(605) 515-1771-Garrett

(605) 515-1753-Trevor

(605) 515-1798-Gary

Fee Schedule:  Truck load - $45.00
                        Pickup/Small Trailer load - $10.00      
                        Large trailer load - $25.00
                        Car load - $5.00
                        White goods - $5.00
                        Contaminated soil - $7.50 per cubic yard
                        Mobile Homes: Cleaned out - $1.00 per foot of length
                                               Not cleaned - $5.00 per foot of length
                                               Removal of Frame - $125.00